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Takeaways from Top Producers

Here are a few of the brilliant takeaways from our

2023 Business Planning Summit!

1. Face to face interactions are the key. Your goal is to build a relationship – either to work together or to strengthen the opportunities for referrals. Your media shows that you are the face of your business and what you stand for – but only a personal interaction shows what it is like to work with you – how you pour your heart and soul into every relationship with a client, putting their best interests ahead of your own. It’s this kind of conversation that draws people to you and makes you relatable and referable.

2. A moderate increase can lead to big results. Even a moderate increase in the number of transactions or raising your average brokerage fee can have a big impact on your income. Work with the numbers to see how easily you can move to the next level.

3. Take the time to analyze. A detailed study of your past business gives you clues about what works. Couple this with a deep look at your strengths & motivations and you will reveal new opportunities for cultivating customers in unique ways. Here’s where a coach or mentor can help. This evaluation builds the foundation for a business plan that is formulated on exactly the right activities to accomplish your goals.

4. The secret of implementation lies in your daily routine. Time blocking, prioritizing, and deciding what you will not do are all critical steps to carrying out your business plan. Calendaring & journaling skills are essential for staying on track throughout the year.

5. Measure your results backwards. To increase your motivation and satisfaction, assess what you accomplished today against what you did yesterday . You’ll encourage yourself more than if you are always looking forward to a goal that is far in future and is not yet realized.

Cheers to your New Year!

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